Trust Logo

The Blessed

Edward Campion Federation

Contact Details

Shrewsbury Cathedral

Catholic Primary School and Nursery

How to make a compliant

We hope that you never feel the need to complain, but should you wish to complain, then there are certain procedures that need to be followed.


Complaints regarding Curriculum or Religious Worship

Under the present Education Act parents have a right to complain if they feel a school is not offering all aspects of the National Curriculum.  If parents wish to make such a complaint, then they must contact the Executive Head Teacher in the first instance, who will explain how to proceed.


Complaints not relating to Curriculum or Religious Worship

It is hoped that the majority of complaints can be resolved informally by raising them verbally, in person or on the telephone, or by putting them in writing, given or sent to the school.  They can be discussed there and then, or at a mutually agreed time and a satisfactory explanation given or resolution speedily implemented.  Complaints that cannot be resolved informally should be escalated and dealt in line with the school’s policy.
