Other Agencies
Family Connect
Family Connect is a free, confidential service providing, impartial advice, information, guidance and support on a full range of children's services available across the borough including childcare, activities, school admissions and finance.
Telford and Wrekin Mental Health Support Services
Mental health support services - Mental health support services - Telford & Wrekin Council
School Nurse Team
School Nursing (shropscommunityhealth.nhs.uk)
The School Nursing Service promotes and supports the health and wellbeing of all school aged children from 5 to 19 years old.
Telford Crisis Support
TCS runs a baby & toddler bank and a school uniform pre-loved scheme. We can also help with home energy, re-homing, and provide support for bed poverty community projects, community events, and much more.
Telford Crisis Support – Volunteer led since 2013
Health visitors
Health visitors are qualified nurses who have undertaken further training in all areas of child health and development and are skilled practitioners in public health.
Health visiting service (shropscommunityhealth.nhs.uk)
Citizens Advice
Home Page | Citizens Advice Telford and the Wrekin
Domestic Abuse Support
Domestic abuse - Telford & Wrekin Council
Women’s Aid
Help & Support | West Mercia Women's Aid (westmerciawomensaid.org)
Parent Education growth support (PEGS)
PEGs is set up to support parents, carers and guardians who are experiencing Child to Parent Abuse (including those with adult offspring). We don’t directly work with the child displaying the behaviours but have a network of partners whose expertise lies in this area.
CLIMB – Keeping children safe from exploitation