Trust Logo

The Blessed

Edward Campion Federation

Contact Details

St Patrick's

Catholic Primary School

Year 6

Year 6


Teacher - Mr Crewe-Read


Teaching Assistant: Mrs Davies


Welcome to our class page!


Here you will find everything you need to know about our class, our expectations and updates on what we've been learning about.


For more information about the curriculum please head over to our dedicated curriculum page.

Learning the three different types of pass in Basketball 13.11.2024

Reflectivity - Trying to reflect light from a torch off two mirrors and onto a target. 08.11.2024

A Maths filled afternoon - Skills 4 Bills 16.10.2024

Preparing to demonstrate our understanding of light and shadows with a puppet show 11.10.2024

Hot seating - preparing questions for Jesus and Bartimaeus! 07.10.2024

Proving that light travels in a straight line 20.09.2024

Freeze-framing the values of the Kingdom of God 16.09.2024

Useful Websites and Links
