Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Special Educational Needs and Disability
School can provide advice, support and signposting to external services. Contact Miss Sinha for more details on our SEND offer. Other services that may be helpful to parents of children with SEND include:
- Strengthening Families
Strengthening Families - SEND - Local offer (telfordsend.org.uk)
Strengthening Families provide local services for families with children aged 0-19 through children and family centres, in a planned approach to ensure resources are targeted where they are most effective.
- Parents Opening Doors (PODS)
- Children’s Autism Hub
About Children's Autism Hub | Telford Autism Hub
- Autism West Midlands
Autism West Midlands | Supporting the Autistic Community
- Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
We work across the whole range of services including health, education, social care, and alongside our voluntary sector partners – at a local, regional and national level.
We can:
- Listen to your concerns and provide information and advice on the 'phone or in person
- Work with you to explore your options
- Help you prepare for meetings
- Help to explain reports written by professionals
- Give you information in relation to SEND law to enable you to participate and make informed decisions regarding your child's education
- Signpost you to other sources of information and support
- Work in partnership with schools and the local authority to develop positive relationships and outcomes