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The Blessed

Edward Campion Federation

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St Patrick's

Catholic Primary School

Year R




Welcome to Reception!


My name is Mrs Hurford and I am the Reception class teacher.



Our teaching assistants this year are 


Mrs O'Neill



Miss Young



Mrs Lister








We visit Forest School when we can. Please keep wellies and waterproofs in school as we like to be prepared for all weathers!


Our PE day is Thursday. Please make sure you have your PE kit in a drawstring bag in school on a Thursday. We are developing our skills in dressing and undressing ourselves and trying to be independent in this.


We follow the Read Write Inc phonics programme. The children will bring home a book to share with an adult in the first term and then as their skills develop, they will bring a book from the reading programme to read to you. We ask that you please record their reading every week in the home communication book. Make sure this is signed and up to date and in school every Thursday so we can check it and give out new books.

Summer term timetable

24.6.24 Visit to church

17.6.24 Independent writing

10.6.24 Sports Day fun!

3.6.24 Construction

20.5.24 Mary, our Mother

16.5.24 Visit to Enginuity

6.5.24 Manipulating shapes

29.4.24 Exploring magnets

22.4.24 Using ten frames to represent numbers to 20

15.4.24 Hard work in Forest School

8.4.24 Guinea pig care

18.3.24 Creating patterns outside

St Patrick's Day

New activities from the SPPSA

4.3.24 World Book Day

26.2.24 Music - exploring glockenspiels

Still image for this video

19.2.24 RE Friendly and unfriendly sorting

5.2.24 Gymnastics

29.1.24 Project Evolve

22.1.24 Spiral Art in the style of Matisse

15.1.24 Forest School

8.1.24 New outdoor games

11.12.23 Our Nativity performance

4.12.23 Pantomime!

27.11.23 Our new school guinea pigs arrived

20.11.23 Jonah and the Whale

13.11.23 Scarecrows

Circles and Triangles 6.11.23

RE God Loves Us 23.10.23

Art in the style of Mondrian 16.10.23

Patterns 9.10.23

Leaf printing in Forest School 4.10.23

RE God's World 25.9.23

Matching wellies 18.9.23

Playing together 12.9.23

Story time

Useful websites