Trust Logo

The Blessed

Edward Campion Federation

Contact Details

St Patrick's

Catholic Primary School

Year 1

Year 1


Teacher - Mrs Griffiths


Teaching Assistant: Miss Holding


Welcome to our class page!


Here you will find everything you need to know about our class, our expectations and updates on what we've been learning about.


For more information about the curriculum please head over to our dedicated curriculum page.

Weekly Timetable

17.06.2024: Blist's Hill

12.06.2024: Sports Day

05.06.2024: History - Houses and Homes

20-24.05.2024: Science Week

14.04.2024: R.E - The Ascension.

07.05.2024: Science - Plants

01.05.2024: Computing - Programming a Robot

24.04.2024: Liturgical Prayer

19.04.2024: RHSE - Can You Help Me? We learnt what to do if we find our friend who is injured.

12.04.2024: Maths - Volume and capacity.

15.03.2024: Golden Time with our new toys from the PTFA

07.03.2024: World Book Day - Sharing our favourite books with Year 5

01.03.2024: Science - Sorting animals by their features.

21.02.2024: Maths - Counting in 10s

05.02.2024: Pat and Rick

31.01.2024: Our Trip to St Patrick's Church.

26.01.2024: RE - Families and Celebrations.

18.01.2024 - PE: Gymnastics

12.01.2024 - Liturgical Prayer: What are you hoping to achieve this year for you and others?

15.12.2023 - DT: Moving Vehicles

08.12.23 Parishioners coffee morning

01.12.2023 - Maths: Addition and Subtraction

24.11.2023 - Art: Wassily Kandinsky

17.11.2023 - RHSE: Let The Children Come.

10.11.2023 - History: How did people use puppets to tell a story?

23.10.2023 - Maths: Number Bond Song

17.10.2023 - Science: Our first experiment!

11.10.2023 - RE Our Beautiful World.

06.10.2023 - Poetry Performance

27.09.2023 - Computing

22.09.2023 - Lifeland The Happy Hobgoblin

14.09.2023 - PE: Practising our dribbling skills.

08.09.2023 - Science Making a Wind Sock

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