Parish Links
At our school we endeavour to develop strong links with our local Parish - St Patrick's.
You can read more about our Parish and the links by accessing the website below.
Myanga Missions
St. Patrick's Parish set up links with the Poor Clare's Myanga Missions nearly ten years ago. Since then both the parish and the school have been fully committed to raising funds to support the school and wider community in Myanga. The KS2 Choir is involved with performances in church every year to raise money for parish projects and the Mini Vinnies are often busy organising events with Mrs Kendrick. These links are crucial to the amazing work that goes on via the Poor Clares sisters and also are an invaluable insight for the children at St Patrick's also. We hope that our partnership both raises awareness of inequalities across the world and also fosters global friendships.
The Mini Vinnies
St Patrick's Mini Vinnies are the junior wing of the St Patrick's Parish St. Vincent De Paul's Society. They are lead by Mrs. Kendrick and Mrs. Price. The mini Vinnies work very hard to plan and organise various charity events across the year both in school and in St Patrick's Church. The team has members from all classes and are a dedicated and enthusiastic bunch. Other recent events have included...
The Retired Parishioner's Tea Party