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Shrewsbury Cathedral

Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Chestnut Class Year 2

Welcome to Chestnut Class


    Teacher - Mrs Archer  

Welcome to our class page!


Here you will find everything you need to know about our class, our expectations and updates on what we've been learning about.

For more information about the curriculum please head over to our dedicated Curriculum page.

Class Bulletin Spring 2025

Useful Websites for each Curriculum Subject

Learning we are proud of


4-2-25 RE- Cafod (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) Jubilee workshop

29-1-25 Forest school- Art -science Mixing shades of green

29-1-25 Forest school- science- Building a bird hide

23-1-25 Understanding our world- Great Fire of London workshop at Shrewsbury Museum.

22-1-25 Science- Forest School-The Big Garden Bird watch- Making bird feeders

15-1-25 Forest school/ Science- Habitats- Making homes for animals at Forest school

SPRING TERM 2025 8-1-25 Forest school/science Exploring ice.

20-12-24 A surprise visit from Father Christmas!

4-12-24 Forest school/ R.E. Making Advent wreaths.

27-11-24 Forest school -Science. Which animals lay eggs and which give birth to live young? (at Forest school)

26.11.24 Science Which animals lay eggs and which give birth to live young? (matching, sorting and research)

13-11-24 Science/Maths/Forest School What happens to leaves during Autumn/winter? How can we record data?

11-11-24 RE We hung poppies on the apple tree at Forest school. On the back we wrote a prayer and thought about all the people who have died or suffered in wars. wars.

7-11-24 Understanding our world -History- Explorers. We are really excited to find out about the exploration of space and the importance of Neil Armstrong. .

4-11-24 We had a visit from Booka Bookshop and looked at lots of lovely books.

23-10-24 Forest school- Art. Making a pendant in Barbara Hepworth style.

16-10-24 Art- Sculptures- We shaped clay and used a range of decorative techniques.

9-10-24 Forest school/art- mark making using different tools.

8-10-24 Visit to Shrewsbury library

3-10-24 Rehearsal of School kid's Rap poem ready for Poetry Performance on Friday. (English)

3-10-24 Making Christmas cards with the PTFA

Sunflower art 2-10-24

Poetry week- 2-10-24 A harvest/Autumn poem by Year 2

25/9/24 Forest school/science/art

Science - Foraging around Forest school - Identifying parts of plants we eat

At Forest school we collected windfall apples to make into apple juice. We found the mass of some apples and then chopped and crushed them and then pressed them on an apple press. We collected the juice in a jug and measured how much we made, before we tasted it. It was very sweet and delicious!

Learning we are proud of



Falconry Display 12-7-24

D and T - English - Instructions-science - maths- topic Hinduism - Making chapatis and cucumber raita

Science- D/T - Maths -Does cress grow better inside or outside a greenhouse?

Science- D/T - Maths - measuring -Making a recycling machine

Trip to British Ironwork Centre and Sculpture Park, Oswestry- Science/D/T/Topic

Making a seat for Forest School- Science- Materials/ Design and Technology- Structures/Maths-Measurement

Art- Drawing-Using the techniques of line and tone with shadows, light and dark.

20-3-24 Visit from Jake the storyteller -English, PSHE, Drama History

26-2-24 Forest school- Science- Working with the Street Allotment Project of the community to make compost.

19-2-24 Forest School- R.E The start of Lent- Making pancakes at Forest school over an open fire.

31-1-24 Science- Geography. PSHE Visit from the Alpacas.

Forest school- Science. At Forest school we made homes for animals that need safe spaces to shelter, hide from predators and raise their young. We used leaves, twigs, hollow stems, dead grass, pinecones and bits of bark.

22-1-24 Forest school- science- maths . As part of the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch we counted how many different birds visited our school grounds and recorded the data in different ways.

RE, Art - Topic- We thought about how Jesus chose some helpers from some fishermen. They became his disciples. We coloured fishes and created the sea background in the style of Joseph Thiongo, using oil pastels

The children have enjoyed starting to study the life of Joseph Thiongo and his painting of African landscapes and animals. We have started to look at colour and how we can use it to describe objects.

Forest school- RE-REMEMBRANCE- At Forest school, we created our own wreath of leaves and other natural materials. On a poppy, we wrote a phrase about all the people who have died or been affected by war and conflict and added them to a hand-made willow wreath. We said prayers to remember the dead.

Forest School/Art/ Science- We are studying Barbara Hepworth, a sculptor, as part of our Art lessons on Sculpture. We are go ing to make a necklace, inspired by the work of Barbara. We formed and shaped clay and using decorative techniques using natural materials from around Forest school.

We had a fantastic Poetry week and on Friday we all celebrated this by performing the poem we had learnt to the whole school.

Trip to Shrewsbury Library Tuesday 3-10-23. Year 1 and 2 really enjoyed exploring the library, which was the old school of Charles Darwin. They also were thrilled to read all the books in the children's area and some children used their library cards to take some books home to share and enjoy.

Science- At Forest school we foraged for plants that can be eaten. We identified those that can be eaten safely. We followed the Forest school rules that you must not put your fingers in your mouth and you must not eat anything unless given permission by the Forest school leader. Do you know the names of all these plants?

Science/ RE/ Art/ PSHE - At Forest School we thought about all the gifts God has given us and we added these to Horse Chestnut leaves and conkers to represent our class. We painted them using water colours and created our class tree to display in our cloakroom.

End of Year 2 SATS celebrations with a scavenger hunt, bubbles and popcorn!

Easter celebrations -Making Easter hats, egg people and Easter egg crispy cakes.

We dressed up as scientists to celebrate Science week.

We started an investigation into how onions grow.

Science week - We made food chains at Forest school March 2023

World Book Day celebrations 3rd March 2023

Making a wormery 2nd March 2023

Using Power tracks (coding)

Science experiment to find which material keeps the homes of animals at Forest school the warmest?

Remembrance at Forest school.

D and T Making necklaces (inspired by Barbara Hepworth)

Poetry week - learning a poem off by heart and making placards Oct 22

Sorting living and non living things into groups.

R.E, Prayers and Liturgy and Our Catholic Life




Extra - Curricular
