Trust Logo

The Blessed

Edward Campion Federation

Contact Details

Shrewsbury Cathedral

Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Our Faith Life

Catholic Life of the School


You will be able to keep up to date with important events that mark the Catholic Life of the school. 

25.4.24 - Meeting with Mrs Ramsey from Mini Vinnies head office London

22.3.24 - CAFOD walk - We raised £214

22.3.24 - Yr 3, 4 and 5 Easter Performance

Visit of Bishop Mark - 22.1.24

March 2024 - LENT donations to the local Food Bank

20.12.23 Donations for the food bank on Christmas Jumper Day

5.12.23 - Parish Icon reflection with the Mini-Vinnies

1.12.23 - The Cathedral Icon has arrived

Selling Poppies in school to support the British Legion

26.10.23 - Supporting the local unknown solider project.

21.9.23 - Our new Mini Vinnies

14.9.23 Welcome Back Mass with our new Priest - Father Sean

Year 6 Leavers' Cathedral Day 29/6/23

First Holy Communion Children 19/5/23

Easter Performance 20/4/23

Big Lent Walk 30/3/23

Mufti-day 17.2.23 to raise money for the earthquake appeal for Syria and Turkey

SVP meeting the Mini-Vinnies 9.2.23

Poppy Appeal

Harvest Assembly 6.10.22

Welcome Back Mass - Thursday 15th September

The visit of the St Bernadette Relic to Shrewsbury Cathedral 13.9.22
