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Shrewsbury Cathedral

Catholic Primary School and Nursery

Willow Class Year 3

Welcome to Willow Class



    Teacher - Miss Muller 


Welcome to our class page!


Here you will find everything you need to know about our class, our expectations and updates on what we've been learning about.

For more information about the curriculum please head over to our dedicated Curriculum page.


Learning we are proud of 

Spring Term 2024-25:

Magnetic treasure hunt - 07.02.25 - Science/ Maths

CAFOD Workshop - 04.02.25 - RE/ RSHE/ Literacy

Exploring magnetic and non-magnetic materials - 21.01.25 - Science/ Literacy

Visit from the Fire Service - 17.01.25 - Science/ PSHE

Portrait art with local artist - 16.01.25 - Art/ Maths/Science

Year of the Jubilee - 15.01.25 - RE/ Art/ Literacy

CO workshop - 14.01.25 - Science/ PSHE/ Literacy/ History

Observing trees and ice at Forest School - 10.01.25 - Science/ Literacy

Friction investigation - 08.01.25 - Science/ Literacy/ DT

Learning we are proud of 

Autumn Term 2024-25:

Making our own Anderson Shelters - 19.12.24 - DT/ History/ Art

Exploring WW2 artefacts - 18.11.24 - History/ Literacy/ Geography

Fruit and veg printing - 08.11.24 - Science/Art/Geogrpahy

Classifying animals by diet - 04.11.24 - Science/ Geography/ PSHE

Vesuvius artwork - 23.10.24 - Art/Geography/ Literacy/ History

Exploring fossils - 16.10.24 - Science/ Geography

Shrewsbury Library Visit - 11.10.24 - Literacy/ PSHE/ Geography

Poetry Performance - 4.10.24 - Literacy/ Geography/Science

Rock Detective Trip - 30.09.24 - Science/ Litracy/Geography

How are rocks formed investigation - 27.09.24 - Science/ Literacy/ DT

Describing rocks 20.09.24 - Science/ Forest School/ Literacy

Classifying rocks 13.09.24 - Science/ Geography

Learning we are proud of 

Summer Term 2023-24:

12.07.24 - Birds of Prey Display - Science/ Geography

08.07.24 - Pollination role play - Science, drama, literacy, PE

03.07.24 - Levers - DT, Science, PSHE

24.06.24 - Telling the time - Maths

18.06.24 - Sports Day - PE, PSHE

06.06.24 - Role play of the Buddha story - RE, History, Literacy

15.05.24 - How do shadows change with distance? Science, maths

10.05.24 - Shadows and shadow puppets - Science, Literacy, DT

09.05.24 - Trip to Chester Grosvenor Museum - History, Geography, Science, Literacy

25.04.24 - Easter PowerPoints - RE, Computing, Literacy

17.04.24 - Jesus on the Road to Emmaus - RE, Literacy, PSHE

17.04.24 - A Walk in Shrewsbury - Literacy, Geography

12.04.24 - Making Anglo-Saxon inspired clay pots - Art, History, Geography

Learning we are proud of 

Spring Term 2023-24: 

22.03.34 - Performing Macbeth - English, Drama, History.

20.03.34 - Visit from Jake the Storyteller - English, PSHE, Drama History

06.03.24 - Planting seeds - Science, maths, geography

31.01.24 Visit from Alpacas - Science, Geography, PSHE

31.01.24 - Magnet treasure hunt - Science, Maths, PSHE

22.01.24 - Arrays - Maths, PSHE

19.01.24 - Magnetic art - Art, science

18.01.24 - Magnetic or non-magnetic? Science, Maths, DT.

11.01.24 - Friction Investigation - Science, Literacy, PSHE, DT

Learning we are proud of

Autumn Term 2023-24:

20.12.23 - Making Anderson Shelters - DT, topic, art, PSHE

29.11.23 - Literacy, Topic, Science - Visit from Booka (Oswestry book store)

22.11.23 - Topic, DT, PSHE - Building Anderson shelter models

13.11.23 - RE, PSHE, Literacy - Visit from Father Sean to discuss The Lord's Prayer

8.11.23 - Art, Science, DT - Fruit and veg printing

07.11.23 - Science/ Literacy - Classifying animals by what they eat.

18.10.23 - DT, Science, Art, Citizenship - Using a bow saw.

11.10.23 - Science, Art, - Making our own fossil models.

10.10.23 - Science, Topic, PSHE - Fire and Rescue Team Visit

05.10.23 - Literacy, Phonics, PSHE - Library Visit

4.10.23 - Forest School, DT, Science - Making compost bins (Part 2)

3.10.23 - Science, Topic, Maths - Rock Detective trip at the Museum.

29.09.23 - RE, Literacy, PSHE - Craft reflecting on the parable of 'The Paralysed Man'.

27.09.23 Forest School, DT, Science - Making compost bins (Part 1)

22.09.23 - Science, Maths, Literacy - Rock cycle modelling with chocolate

22.09.23 - Art/ PSHE/ - Exploring different types of paintbrushes and their uses.

20.09.23 - Science, Literacy, PSHE - Exploring and describing soil using our senses.

13.09.23 - Maths, PSHE - Representing 3-digit numbers.

12.09.23 - English, Maths, Science - Following instructions to make our own volcanic eruption.

Class of 2022/23 

A Walk in Shrewsbury - 10.07.23

DT - Exploring gears - 30.06.23

3D shape modelling - 23.06.23

Sports Day - 14.06.23

DT Levers - 9.06.23

Roman trip to Chester - 12.05.23

Road to Emmaus Craft - 05.05.23

Performing Macbeth for Shakespeare Week - 24.03.23

Anglo Saxon Weaving - 20.03.23

Leaf rubbings - 17.03.23

Anglo-Saxon Workshop - 15.03.23

How does water transport through plants? - 07.03.23

World Book Day - 03.03.23

DT making flapjacks - 17.02.23

Jackson Pollock style art with magnets - 27.01.23

Magnetic treasure hunt at Forest School - 24.01.23

Exploring magnets 16.01.23

Bone investigation results - 14.12.22

Effect of calcium on bones investigation - 06.12.22

Trip to Fire Station - 2.12.22

Digestion model - 24.11.22

Willow Tree Observations at Forest School - 11.11.22

Visit from The Fire and Rescue Team - 8.11.22

Science (sorting animals by what they eat) - 2.11.22

Water colour painting - 20.10.22

Exploring Fossils - 13.10.22

RE craft to help us re-tell the story of Jesus healing the paralysed man - 27.09.22

Science investigation on rock formation - 21.09.22

Following instructions to make a volcanic eruption 12.09.22
